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Honorable MLA of Cortalim Visits Abandoned Stone Quarries

Today, the Honorable MLA of Cortalim visited the abandoned stone quarry site in the Cortalim Constituency, accompanied by police, Mormugao Mamlatdar staff, PWD staff,  Dy Collector Staff and other officials. This visit comes in response to a tragic incident last year when a 16 Year-old boy drowned in one of these quarries who had gone for swimming as during monsoon  session most of the abondend stone quarries get filled with rain water. To prevent further any such incidents, the MLA has requested the property owner to fill the stone quarry. He assured that he and various government departments would provide the necessary assistance.

During the visit, the team also inspected a nearby culvert filled with mud and neglected for over 20 years. The MLA emphasized the importance of maintaining such areas to ensure public safety. The MLA was happy to see that most of the open  parts  stone quarry were  filled with mud and even the blocked culvert was cleaned after 20 years which will allow the water to freely flow as no water blocking or water stopage will not happen.

The MLA urged residents to report any such  hazardous spots in the constituency or nearby to report his office so appropriate action can be taken to protect the community.

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